
Cultivating and Sustaining It through Conscious Investment

Much like feeling grateful for our health when we fall ill, we often fail to fully appreciate the profound value of experiencing daily peace until it becomes fragile and starts to crumble. As the era of peaceful, mellow times persists, we tend to perceive peace as something freely available, much like the air we unconsciously breathe. However, the reality is that to consistently maintain peace, we must continually renew our awareness of the necessity to pay a significant price upfront, invest wisely, and engage in various effective activities, all while taking practical actions. Foremost among these actions are internal and external human resource development initiatives that foster both physical well-being and a sound mind. These investments hold immense significance, even though the returns may take longer to materialize than we initially anticipate. As the Japanese proverb wisely states, "The nation's 100-year plan lies in education."

Reflecting on the Profound Lessons of the Past

  As I age, I occasionally recall the wisdom shared by individuals who are more than five or ten years my senior. I revisit their words or tweets from the past, seeking to grasp the meaning I may not have fully comprehended at the time. In this manner, there exist numerous concepts and insights that remain elusive until we gain the corresponding life experiences or face them directly. The pivotal aspect to consider is the act of retracing the threads of memory connected to the lessons and advice I received in the past. By figuratively stepping into their shoes, we can profoundly engrain these valuable insights into our consciousness.

Finding Equanimity with "Tantan" in the Face of Demotivation

  There could be three types of jobs: those that motivate with a positive feeling, those with no emotional attachment, and those that demotivate with a negative feeling. When encountering the latter type of job, it might be wise to approach it with a "Tantan" attitude in Japanese, signifying a matter-of-fact approach without emotions, which can help you navigate through the annoying state.

The Power of Mind Mapping

When I used to receive an oral briefing on something unfamiliar or entirely new from someone, I made it a habit to create my own-style mind map instead of simply taking traditional verbal notes. This allowed me to quickly grasp the overall concept. To be honest, it took me several years to develop the skill of creating practical mind maps through hands-on work experience. However, once I acquired this skill, it significantly improved my abilities in explanatory presentations, fact gathering, problem-solving, and strategic project planning and execution. This is because visual representations, such as diagrams, matrices and graphs, provide strong reinforcement for verbal and numerical information.

Social Media and Face-to-Face Encounters in the Modern World

When using social media, as the saying goes, 'It takes all sorts to make the world go round,' we can indeed discover a diverse array of individuals from every corner of the world and easily engage with those who pique our interest simultaneously. However, meeting and conversing face-to-face with local people of interest during our travels can have a more profound impact than interacting with them through social media. Nonetheless, the number of such in-person encounters is often limited due to constraints such as time, physical distance, and financial resources. On the other hand, social media has the power to transcend these limitations. The Japanese term 'Goen wo taisetsu ni suru,' which originated from the concept of Buddhism, can be literally translated as 'Cherish this wonderful fate of meeting individuals.' It conveys the idea that everything happens for a reason, and nothing occurs without cause. In this sense, it can also be wise to value the relationshi

Living a Regret-Free Life

Prioritizing and focusing on activities that align with our deeply held beliefs and values can be a simple yet crucial tip for leading a fulfilling life without regret. In this context, the criteria for determining what is significant and meaningful may vary based on individual perspectives, positions, values, and beliefs. However, even when we make an effort to put these prioritized activities into practice, there are instances when we may not experience fulfillment but instead feel a sense of self-dissatisfaction. Several factors could contribute to this situation, including a lack of dedication and creativity in our efforts, as well as the incorrect prioritization of tasks. In cases where the latter issue arises, often fueled by procrastination, it becomes necessary for us to summon the courage to reassess our priorities and implement them one by one.

Nurturing Self-Esteem and Building a Better Society

Everyone would be wholeheartedly glad to hear sincere compliments about their possessions or talents, their achievements, or their loved ones, or more, without any hidden motives. This might be because these positive words have the power to fulfill the self-esteem needs that our brain's neocortex unconsciously craves, triggering the release of dopamine and becoming a new driving force to persevere in our efforts. It may seem like a slight exaggeration, but if we could focus on recognizing the positive qualities in individuals during our daily personal interactions and make an effort to complement each other more without expecting anything in return, we could foster a more ideal society.