Overcoming Hurdles in Pursuit of Higher Goals

In the course of autonomously materializing something never experienced before or higher targets, we often face bothersome hurdles that are likely to cause procrastination. This is because we are not restrained by any external compelling force or pressure but rely solely on our own willpower and self-motivation. As a result of such procrastination, we can't help but suffer a setback. To overcome this unfavorable situation, a sensible level of psychological pressure, slightly forcing yourself to keep working, is necessary. Setting affordable deadlines for tasks is one example of a countermeasure. Additionally, to consistently put your plans or ideas into action and work towards your targets, forming a habit of rationalizing necessary tasks in your daily routine is important. As we all know, these countermeasures should be implemented while harnessing the full power of your mind. And if you find yourself behind scheduled deadlines, don't reproach yourself, but instead make a rescheduling and continue to cheer for yourself.

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