The Impact of Patient-Centric Management in Hospitals

Very recently, I had occasions to visit two completely different types of hospitals in terms of the quality of operational management. Both hospitals are commonly big, spacious, and clean. However, the former one seems systematically patient-unfriendly due to frequent unnecessary patient waiting, ambiguity in medical staff's responsibilities, and a lack of informed consent by doctors, despite a solid credo being affixed to a wall here and there. To my surprise, patient-friendly medical care is one of the pillars of the credo. On the other hand, the latter hospital puts patient-oriented care into practice, even if we can't find any credo inside the hospital. The chief medical doctor makes efforts to care for the feelings of patients and their families, and other medical staff seem to be inspired by the doctor and work closely with them. ' Show with your attitude rather than words' is applicable to the point of difference in the management cases of the two hospitals.

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