A Personal Journey of Understanding and Optimism in One's 60s

I came to understand the feelings and situations of individuals who had retired from their work for the first time after I found myself in the same position. Even if I used my imagination to place myself in their position before my retirement, I couldn't have comprehended them well. Similarly, at this moment, I can't imaginarily put myself in the position of individuals over 70 years old because I am in my early 60s and lack the experience of being over 70. What I can vaguely imagine at most are the situations and things that might happen to me during my 60s, aside from unpredictable sudden events, as nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. After contemplating my 60s, I have realized it is the best period for doing what you love, utilizing what I have accumulated such as knowledge, skills, experiences, and personal network so far, while still being physically and mentally fit. In this sense, paying careful attention to day-to-day activities is a crucial attitude. Of course, this is not specific to one's 60s.

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