Rediscovering Purpose in Retirement


The other day, I received a message from one of my social media friends saying, “I have just retired, and to be honest, I do sometimes feel a lack of purpose.” Immediately after reading these words, I felt sympathy for his despondent mood because I have been through a period of experiencing a sort of burnout syndrome, even though I eventually found relief from heavy work stress. During that time, I learned from another social media friend that it is very helpful to ask oneself three questions to create a bucket list for post-retirement life. These questions are as follows:

1.    What have you enjoyed doing the most?

2.    What have you been doing that made you shine the brightest?

3.    What things have you left behind so far?

Surely, asking these three questions worked effectively and enabled me to discover new reasons for living in the rest of my life.

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