The Legacy of Astro Boy in Robotics and the ARCHAX Innovation

During my childhood in the 1960s, I frequently enjoyed watching the Japanese animated TV hero series 'Astro Boy,' which was broadcast in over 50 countries. Astro Boy is a humanoid robot of the future, powered by atoms and possessing an electronic brain (Artificial Intelligence) capable of discerning between good and evil. Additionally, he has the ability to fly by rocket propulsion (similar to a drone). Surprisingly, even today, Astro Boy remains an admired benchmark for engineers developing humanoid robots. In this context, there is a Japanese venture company in Tokyo called Tsubame Industries Co., Ltd. that has recently developed the first robot named ‘ARCHAX.’ This robot is designed for use on construction sites and in post-disaster construction efforts. The team behind this innovation has maintained a sense of longing for creating and operating another animated robot hero since their own childhoods. It serves as a wonderful example of a childhood dream coming true through unwavering persistence.

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