The Mystery of Narrow Road Encounters

When I encounter an approaching car on a road with clear visibility, and the narrowest point on the road is positioned somewhere in the middle between us, my intention is to avoid passing each other at that specific point. Interestingly, in most cases, I find myself passing the oncoming car with only a minimal margin. I am perplexed by this phenomenon, as I consciously strive to steer clear of the narrowest spot, yet I seem to be unconsciously and irresistibly drawn toward it. I lack insight into the scientific explanation behind this occurrence. Although I make a conscious effort to avoid the narrowest section, it feels as though an inexplicable force pulls me toward it. Furthermore, I wonder whether the driver of the oncoming car is consciously attempting to avoid the narrowest point or if they, too, are unconsciously drawn towards it, just like I am. I am curious about why this phenomenon seems to be exclusive to my experiences. Gaining a better understanding of it might prompt me to study it further.

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