Wisdom Gained Through Work, Relationships, and Contentment

Looking back on my past work experiences after retirement, like everyone else, I learned various invaluable lessons through my jobs and personal relationships. If I were to choose anything, I would say there were far more tough experiences than easy ones during that time, at least in my memory. However, this might be a matter of course, as toughness and adversity often bring more lessons and fulfillment after going through them than when things are going well. It would be a lie if I said that there was nothing I should have done differently or that I didn't have any regrets. However, when I consider the importance of contentment, these words that might seem like regrets tend to disappear from my mind. A long time ago, I read G. Kingsley Ward's "Letters of a Businessman to His Son" from the perspective of the author's son. Now, I truly understand the author's earnest desire to pass on what he learned through his work to the next generation.

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