Perception, Diversity, and Personal Growth


There are often differences in the way we perceive the same thing when we experience it through our own five senses and thoughts compared to when we perceive it through another person's five senses and thoughts. These differences are particularly noticeable, especially among individuals who were born and raised in different cultures. If we are willing to break free from being confined by our own ideas, these differences can make us aware of new perspectives and ways of thinking that we might not have considered. This can greatly benefit our personal growth. However, if we find ourselves stuck in our own narrow way of thinking, we may unconsciously miss out on opportunities for self-growth. To eliminate fixed ideas and preconceptions and to foster flexibility in our thinking, we need to develop the mindset required for such flexibility through engaging in a dialogue with ourselves. This helps us accept viewpoints and ways of thinking that differ from our own without hesitation and consider them in our own way.

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