Unraveling the Ephemeral Threads of Inspiration in Essay Writing


Recently, I have frequently found myself struggling to come up with ideas when writing short essays. It has been almost 19 months since I began composing short essays almost every day, and I sense that I have exhausted all the themes that initially came to mind. Typically, the theme is chosen based on a simple "inspiration" that suddenly pops into my head. "Inspiration" strikes unexpectedly, and we cannot control its emergence. So, how can we harness the power of "inspiration"? From my experience, the key factor in triggering "inspiration" appears to be gaining stimulation by incorporating new information, knowledge, and experiences into our minds. In other words, by absorbing new INPUT from the five human senses and stimulating the mind with sensitivity, "inspiration" or unconscious PROCESS is activated, resulting in a new theme as OUTPUT. This OUTPUT is akin to a flash of light, so if we fail to take notes, we may quickly forget it. Today, I didn't experience any "inspiration," so I reflected on this phenomenon.

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