Echoes of Encouragement: The Power of Positive Words on Self and Others


It is often said that encouraging others with positive words can have a positive impact on ourselves. This phenomenon is believed to occur because our subconscious mind cannot differentiate between the subject of a conversation, making the words we speak to others seem as though they are directed towards ourselves. Additionally, when similar statements are repeatedly made, they can have an effect similar to suggestions directed at oneself. In essence, affirming others can be seen as a form of self-affirmation, while denying others can be akin to self-denial. Sound itself is comprised of minute pressure fluctuations in the air. These fluctuations are transmitted to the ear, causing the eardrum to vibrate and sending signals to the brain through nerves, where they are converted into electrical signals. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the words we speak can indeed have a great impact on us. While this conclusion may seem somewhat dramatic, it can be understood in the context of humans being social beings. This may be a manifestation of our inherent interconnectedness, where the group is seen as an extension of oneself, and oneself as a part of the group.

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