From Dust to Mountains: The Power of Persistence and Passion


Even ordinary people can achieve great feats if they focus on something and continue to do it, as the Japanese proverb says, "Even dust, when piled up, becomes a mountain" (Many a little makes a mickle or Every little bit helps). For a simple and familiar example, even if we don't have the skills of a professional mountain climber, if we focus our minds and energy on climbing a relatively gentle mountain path step by step, we will often be surprised at how high we have climbed after a few hours. Additionally, as the Japanese saying goes, "Being fond of something makes one skilled at it" or "Love is what makes you good at something" (Practice makes perfect). If the proverbial "dust" in the former is something that we "like," even ordinary people can acquire knowledge and skills if they continue to do it for many years. It is possible. Of course, the time we have to do what we like in our daily life is limited, and it's important to have time to rest our bodies and minds, so it's extremely important to avoid wasting time that we might regret. In this respect, it's true that "Time is everything."

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