Unsung Heroes Among Us: A Tale of Everyday Good Deeds


This morning, I drove a little farther than usual and went for a walk in a different place. As I strolled, drawing energy from the nature around me, an elderly woman in jogging clothes briskly passed me. After a short distance, she stopped and squatted down to pick up something. Curious, I approached and saw her collecting plastic bottles and other trash, putting them in a small bag, and then resuming her run. It didn't seem like she was doing this as a job; rather, I guessed that she probably voluntarily cleaned up trash around the pond every day. This realization refreshed my heart. I saw a heroine doing good deeds in a place where no one was watching. Although I wanted to call out to her, the distance between us quickly widened. Reflecting on this encounter, I realized that heroes and heroines are all around us, even in the events of our daily lives.

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