Broadening Perspectives Through Change


Whether traveling abroad or moving to a new home, immersing ourselves in an unfamiliar environment exposes us to new perspectives and ideas that we wouldn't encounter in daily life, broadening our horizons. Even without physically relocating, a shift in role—such as being promoted to a superior’s position at work—places us in a different situation with new responsibilities and challenges. However, even if we do not yet hold a leadership position, we can still gain insight by imagining ourselves in our boss’s shoes. By consciously considering their perspective and asking ourselves how we would handle similar situations, we can develop a vague yet valuable understanding of their mindset. This practice of viewing our own perspectives in relation to others fosters objectivity and helps us find common ground in times of conflict. Ultimately, it is the first step in putting into practice the well-known saying: “If you want to change someone else, you have to change yourself first.”

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