
A Glimpse into Purpose Amidst Labor

  Yesterday, during my daily morning walk near my house, I came across a remarkable sight. An elderly woman, bent with age, was engaged in strenuous field lab or on her farm under the scorching sunlight. Initially, I paid little attention to her activities, except for a fleeting thought about whether she should be working during the hottest hours of the day. However, the next morning, her image lingered in my mind, triggering a series of contemplations about her background, her life, and particularly her "Ikigai" – her reason for living. Then, I have convinced myself that its strenuous field labor must be part of her “Ikigai.”

Energy Dynamics in Nature and Humans

Plants and trees efficiently utilize sunlight energy to break apart carbon dioxide and water molecules through photosynthesis, producing organic matter and oxygen for their growth and preservation. Similarly, as human beings, we intake water and consume food containing nutrients that produce energy and organic matter for the same purposes. It's important to note that the energy balance in our bodies is partially beyond the conscious control of our brains when it comes to adjusting energy intake to expenditure. Thus, effective utilization of our brains is crucial for sustaining human life and personal growth. (The brain consumes approximately 20% of the body's total energy.)

Sakura's Whispers

  Every year, cherry blossoms, known as "Sakura," burst into bloom and then fall to the ground within a matter of days. Through generations of observation, Japanese people have developed a sense of "Hakanasa" ingrained in their DNA. "Hakanasa" can be translated into English as the "transitory briefness of life." It implicitly suggests the significance of living in the present moment, as everything is impermanent.  

Harmony Amidst the Waves

  Floating on the crystal-clear water on the amazingly beautiful white sandy beach made me feel one with nature. My emotions at that moment were filled with indescribable pleasure, even though I had seen a signboard that said "Beware of Sharks" beforehand.

Navigating Decision-Making with Gut Feelings

When confronted with a crossroads of decision-making and lacking decisive factors to influence my choice, I have often relied on my intuition or hunches, just as others have done. Fortunately, the likelihood of experiencing a complete failure in decision-making has been relatively low. However, in instances where I have acknowledged a failure, I have always strived to perceive it as an inevitable outcome that provides an opportunity for learning and personal growth.

The Journey from Conceptualization to Detailed Design

It goes without saying that when undertaking any novel or unfamiliar endeavor such as architecture, an adventurous trip, or a startup project, the initial exploration process should always involve creating a conceptual drawing that bridges our creative imagination with the realm of tangible design possibilities. Subsequently, building upon the completed conceptual drawing, the process of developing detailed blueprints and precise plans should follow. This sequential approach is fundamental for ensuring the successful realization of a project and is nothing out of the ordinary. However, as imperfect human beings, we sometimes fall prey to neglecting the fundamental importance of this process, often due to procrastination.

A Lifelong Aspiration to Inspire Through Writing

The vibrant colors of nature, reflecting sunlight, have a calming effect on our souls and uplift our spirits. In the future, I aspire to become an elderly person who can have a similar positive influence on others through words of encouragement in my writing. This is one of my aspirations in life, even though I acknowledge that I still have a long journey ahead to achieve it.