
Embracing Life's Ups and Downs

  When life flows smoothly, it often feels monotonous, but when things don't go according to plan, we appreciate the smooth times more. Daily life can be broadly divided into routines and non-routines. We tend to create our own routines, which leads to smoother, familiar rhythms. However, non-routine aspects often involve external factors like people, organizations, or nature, making it more likely that things won't go as planned. Despite this, there is much to learn from such challenges. By appreciating smooth times and seeing difficulties as opportunities for growth, we can maintain peace of mind. While it's not easy, cultivating this mindset is crucial for a fulfilling life.

Embracing Continuous Improvement

  Eiichi Shibusawa (1840-1931), a renowned Japanese businessman, famously said, “When one is satisfied with everything in the world, that is the time of decline.” These words suggest that the path to success and sustainability lies in continually seeking improvement without succumbing to complacency. When we achieve a goal and feel content, it is crucial to set new goals and embrace fresh challenges. This approach fosters the prosperity of individuals and organizations alike.

The Evolution of My Reading and Viewing Habits: From Fiction to Reality and Back Again:

  When I was a student, I used to spend a lot of my spare time reading novels and watching movies. However, once I started working, my reading habits shifted towards more practical books like technical and business literature, and I rarely indulged in fictional novels or movies. However, after I retired, my motivation to read practical books suddenly decreased, and I’ve recently started watching movies again.  Watching masterpiece movies allows me to immerse myself in the protagonist's perspective, experiencing a range of emotions as the story unfolds. It's a unique feeling; whereas when I was young, I felt integrated with my brain, now I observe my brain empathizing fairly objectively. This sensation is entirely new to me. When I compare the character's actions with what I would do in their place, I gain insights into my own shortcomings and might even reconsider my beliefs.

Navigating Life's Path with Certainty

  People who have a clear direction in life often seem content and decisive. In contrast, those who are unsure about their path may be preoccupied with others' opinions and actions, leading to a lack of self-confidence. In the latter case, it is beneficial to regularly reflect on your innermost desires and consider the path that aligns with your true self.

Finding Wisdom and Growth in Aging

  As we grow older, sometimes unfulfilled wishes cross our minds, wishing that age would stop here. However, embracing the process of aging can lead to positive outcomes each year. As we journey through life, our circumstances and perspectives continually evolve, bringing new insights and learning experiences that are crucial for personal growth. I believe that life holds truths and lessons that may only become apparent in our 60s, 70s, 80s, or beyond. This is perhaps why life is often likened to a journey, as it involves constant change and growth.

Discovering Opportunity in Hindsight

  There is a famous saying that a crisis is an opportunity. However, when people are in a crisis, they are often too preoccupied with dealing with the immediate situation to see it as an opportunity. It is only after the crisis or tough times have passed, and we look back on them, that we realize the crisis was an opportunity. These famous quotes contain lessons that can only be understood by looking at life from a long-term perspective or by reflecting on the past, making them difficult for those involved in the situation to truly grasp.

Mysteries of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Skill

  The knowledge, wisdom, and skills we acquire throughout our lives are mysterious, and there will always come a time when each of them will be useful to somebody or some organization. As we might expect, some of these are immediately useful, while others might unexpectedly become valuable decades later. Regardless of timing, it's important to recognize that when we help people or organizations with our knowledge, wisdom, and skills, we are being tested in life. By making the most of our abilities, we can contribute to society and feel that we are being put to good use. Taking a long-term perspective on life, I can say that the struggles we currently face are not wasted experiences if we can learn from them.