
Breaking the Cycle: The Importance of Addressing Root Causes

  In life, if we fail to address the problems we have caused ourselves, we risk encountering the same issues repeatedly. In such situations, it is crucial not only to solve the immediate problem but also to delve into its root cause to prevent its recurrence. This process involves identifying the cause, learning effective solutions to address it, and implementing them diligently. While these steps may appear straightforward, they require a deep level of self-awareness, as unconscious patterns of thought and behavior often underlie our problems. Therefore, it is essential to confront our inner selves, thoroughly investigate the causes of our issues, and reflect thoughtfully to break these patterns.

Seizing Opportunities: The Role of Purpose, Hard Work, and Learning in Success

  In life, unique opportunities can unexpectedly present themselves, and the ability to take advantage of these moments often hinges on an individual's sense of purpose, hard work, and resilience in various life situations. Overcoming challenges and learning from experiences play crucial roles in seizing and making the most of such opportunities. The stories of many successful individuals suggest that achievements rarely stem from mere chance, but rather from a combination of determination, effort, and the ability to extract valuable lessons from setbacks and related knowledge.

The Importance of Broad Insight in Organizational Action

  To excavate deeply into the ground with a shovel, it's necessary to start by digging a relatively wide area, encompassing the space around the intended hole. Similarly, when leveraging one's expertise to drive organizational action towards a significant goal, securing the full cooperation of organizational members is crucial, requiring a broad spectrum of insights.

The Importance of Proactively Addressing Problems

  If we avoid or postpone problems that need to be solved, they generally tend to become more complicated and larger, leading to increased psychological stress. Therefore, by suppressing our worries and troublesome feelings, we should proactively face or jump into the problem. Just as one would unravel loose threads, we should clarify the facts and causes, think of an optimal solution, and quickly implement a plan to solve the problem. It is wise to solve problems at an early stage because they are less difficult to manage.

Embracing Growth in Retirement: Confronting Challenges with Wisdom

  I had expected retirement to bring a life of relaxation and comfort, yet reality has proven otherwise. Unexpected challenges arise from time to time, demanding solutions. While I often reflect on and record lessons from my past, I sometimes catch myself wanting to evade new problems in retirement, seeking to avoid unnecessary trouble. During such moments, I feel a sense of immaturity, recognizing the need to confront these challenges head-on. I remind myself that growth requires proactive engagement with new difficulties. Life, it seems, presents continual opportunities for learning, even in retirement.

Self-Leadership: A Key to Effective Group Functioning and Societal Progress

  If the principle of the saying “If you want to change others, first you must change yourself” is true, then being able to control one's own emotions and problem-solving effectively is key to group functioning. This ability is a major prerequisite for excellent leadership, which can manage groups of people’s emotions and guide them toward solving social problems. Moreover, individuals with this kind of leadership can not only make themselves happy but also create happiness among those around them. Therefore, the key to building a better society lies in increasing the number of people who can govern themselves effectively, essentially increasing the number of people who excel at self-leadership.

The Impact of Perspective: Understanding Facts and Forming Solid Opinions

  To truly understand the nature of things, it's crucial to examine them from various perspectives. However, even with a clear understanding of the facts, the interpretation of these facts can vary significantly from person to person, leading to differing psychological impacts based on individual perspectives. For instance, optimistic individuals tend to perceive facts in a positive light, focusing on their favorable aspects and approaching any challenges they pose with a problem-solving mindset. Conversely, those with a pessimistic outlook may dwell on the negatives, leading to psychological distress without effective problem-solving strategies. When we are exposed to biased or incomplete information, and when misinterpretations are spread without a full understanding of the facts, it can create anxiety and increase the likelihood of making serious errors in judgment. This underscores the importance of seeking a comprehensive understanding of the facts before forming solid opinion