
The Profound Impact of Personal Witnessing on Human Perception

A world-renowned management consultant tweeted yesterday, "What was most helpful to my studies was traveling. It essentially means that seeing is believing. Firsthand experiences can truly make a significant difference in both the quantity and quality of brain stimulation." I agree with this notion. In terms of all the senses of the human body, witnessing something in person has a much greater impact compared to viewing it through photographs or videos. In the latter stages of life, particularly after retirement, people tend to consciously invest their time and resources in creating happy memories. Traveling is one of the most popular and valuable ways to achieve this. The following hypothesis may seem far-fetched or even ridiculous, but I have a vague sense that individuals instinctively feel that elementary or subatomic particles, including the memory function in the brain, retain their informational content in a quantum mechanical manner.

Exploring the Multifaceted Storytelling of History

  History is essentially the comprehensive narrative of past events, particularly in human affairs, interpreted through available sources. Naturally, interpretations can vary among individuals, as evidenced by the rewriting of history across generations. Therefore, when studying history, it is vital to glean diverse lessons from past events, drawing upon multifaceted perspectives and ways of thinking, in order to create a better future.

Resonance Beyond Borders

In Japan's authoritative dictionary, a music composition formed by the combination of melody, harmony, and rhythm is defined as the "Art of Sound." Moreover, a sound itself is a (sonic) wave generated by vibrating objects. When we view sound from this perspective, it can be understood that everything in the universe must produce inherent sounds that we have never heard before. This is because the elementary particles that constitute the universe, including human beings, are also waves in nature. Therefore, it is evident that music transcends borders.

Sudden Blooms: Nature's Patient Resilience

  All of a sudden, wildflowers have bloomed here and there under the scorching sunlight after we received ample rainfall over the course of a couple of days, thanks to the effects of a typhoon. I also noticed mushrooms growing on the lawns, likely due to the high humidity. Honestly, I had paid little attention to the growth of plants in response to changes in natural conditions before my retirement. In reality, these plants have patiently awaited the ideal conditions to bloom, powered by the energy of photosynthesis. In this way, the plants never fail to seize a great opportunity to preserve their species. I aspire to learn from the determined posture of these plants, patiently awaiting the right opportunity.

Weather's Emotional Symphony

I believe you are referring to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a psychological theory of motivation that consists of a five-tier model of human needs:  1) physiological needs,  2) safety and security needs,  3) social needs    (love/belongingness needs),  4) esteem needs, and  5) self-actualization needs.  Looking back, I realize that during my time at work, I didn't fully grasp the true meaning of Maslow's theory. That's because I was always part of an organization where those needs were relatively easily fulfilled. However, after retirement, the situation changed dramatically, and I came to understand the theory's true meaning. I experienced a certain degree of lacking a sense of belonging and had to discover new purposes in life. Now, it's time for me to apply the theory to my own life in an empirical manner.

Positive Psychological Effect

The weather often has an impact on our mood and stress levels. It's important to note that the nature of this effect depends on our individual circumstances. During my time as a member of the baseball team in junior and high school, rainy days used to have a positive psychological effect on me. Training sessions on the field would be canceled or replaced with easier exercises in indoor facilities due to the rain. It's a nostalgic and distant memory for me. Of course, now I appreciate and enjoy bright sunny days.

Eyes Wide Open

Nature is a superb artist that unveils the beauty of all beings and creations. If we consciously observe our surroundings, we will be able to discover an abundance of beauty.