Weather's Emotional Symphony

I believe you are referring to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a psychological theory of motivation that consists of a five-tier model of human needs: 

1) physiological needs, 

2) safety and security needs, 

3) social needs    (love/belongingness needs), 

4) esteem needs, and 

5) self-actualization needs. 

Looking back, I realize that during my time at work, I didn't fully grasp the true meaning of Maslow's theory. That's because I was always part of an organization where those needs were relatively easily fulfilled. However, after retirement, the situation changed dramatically, and I came to understand the theory's true meaning. I experienced a certain degree of lacking a sense of belonging and had to discover new purposes in life. Now, it's time for me to apply the theory to my own life in an empirical manner.

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