
The Power of Video and Written Learning

We are generally sensitive to cost-performance rather than time-performance, which measures the return on spending price or investment and how satisfied we are with it. In this regard, when we watch a video to acquire new knowledge in any field, we often feel that we have a good understanding because the video provides a large volume of visual information. However, when it comes to summarizing the content, we realize that the information we gained from the video is often insufficient. We frequently find the need to supplement our understanding with written information related to the topic. As someone once said, a 30-minute dialogue in a video can be condensed into a manuscript that we can read in just a few minutes. What I mean by this is that while a video can be helpful for beginners to acquire new knowledge, if we desire a more in-depth understanding or additional details, we often find ourselves relying on written materials. When we consider time-performance, a smart combination of

Balancing Wealth and Well-Being

We are living both internally and externally, or mentally and physically. To lead a fulfilling life, we require material possessions, including nutritious food, as well as a positive mindset. While the former can be acquired with money, the latter cannot be purchased. Before the emergence of currency and its distribution, people relied on barter exchange to obtain goods. In essence, barter exchange involved trading products that individuals had invested time and effort in producing. Conversely, a positive mindset can be cultivated through education and self-improvement, both of which demand an investment of time and effort on the individual's part. Considering this perspective, the way we allocate our time and effort based on our values and priorities is fundamentally important for living a fulfilling life. Money is proven to be not an end goal but merely a means to manage our time and effort.

A Strategic Approach to Organizational Success

The basic concept of comparative advantage in economics can practically work to strengthen an organization's power by placing the right person in the right role. Of course, executing this effectively is easier said than done within any organization due to the complex and interconnected factors related to individual assignments. Nevertheless, making efforts to do so is essential for the smooth operation of an organization. Conversely, from the perspective of a member within an organization, possessing a specific and excellent specialty is desirable for achieving one's full potential when occupying the right position. However, even if a person has an average specialty in a particular area, having one or more additional average specialties in other areas can place that individual in a relatively invulnerable position within the organization. This observation is based on my experience of over 38 years in the workplace, highlighting the significant effects of comparative advantage w

The Power of Hope

Among Charlie Chaplin's numerous movie scenes, above all, I was deeply moved by the scene immediately before he delivered the famous, greatest fictional speech in the movie “The Great Dictator.” In that scene, the words, “It's only our hope,” given by the next man to Chaplin, awakened and emboldened him to make a speech in front of an immense number of soldiers. Here, what I am convinced of is that without being able to cling to hope for the future, people can feel depressed and lose the meaning in their lives. The word “Hope” really etched itself into my mind when I watched this scene. Those who have experienced a recovery from an irredeemable failure in life might comprehend the significance of that.


The Japanese idiom "Ishin-denshin," which can be literally translated as "With mind, transmit contents of mind," means "Interpersonal communication through unspoken or tacit mutual understanding." It can be seen as a form of telepathy, mostly occurring in face-to-face interactions, and has been developed since ancient times in isolated Japan. In various situations, Ishin-denshin is commonly used among close Japanese groups, and children are unconsciously taught to read facial expressions, sense the atmosphere, and understand what is left unsaid. This custom has played a significant role in shaping the Japanese language, making it highly context-dependent, with verbal communication relying on an implied understanding of the situation. This reliance on context might be attributed to the comfort zone that comes with a racially homogeneous nation. However, in today's era of freely flowing information, people, money, and companies crossing international bor

Ambition, Stress, and the Wisdom of Moderation

When we have high ambitions, like consistently striving for improvement, it's often unavoidable to experience heavy stress. On the other hand, when we have fewer ambitions, questions like "Is it okay to leave it as it is?" tend to arise in our minds, which can result in feelings of guilt and bring about another type of stress. Therefore, it's important to maintain a balance between high ambition and fewer ambition, as well as finding a balance between times of focused ambition and moments of relaxation. As the old saying goes, "Nothing in excess," pursuing moderation works well. That's the way it is (The Japanese term "Kore de iinoda,").

From Personal Achievement to Legacy Building in Retirement

  Needless to say, there are many differences in one's consciousness before and after retirement. For instance, in my case, I had focused my energy on creating something valuable for the future before retirement, while I have now shifted my focus towards creating and leaving something valuable for future generations, partly as a testament to my existence. These changes in consciousness and attitudes can happen to anyone, and it might be a natural law for species preservation as a human being. Thinking along these lines, as an ordinary retiree, sustained by the support of others, I cannot afford to waste even a single second.