
Achieving Greatness Through Continuous Effort

  When we focus on a specific task, incorporate it into our daily routine, and continuously make improvements through creativity and ingenuity, we will be amazed by the progress we see after a few years. It's like climbing a mountain step by step without stopping, and then looking back hours later to see the majestic world below and the beautiful scenery along the way. Indeed, persistence is powerful.

The Ephemeral Beauty of Contrast

  Although it is impossible in reality, if the world were filled with flowers, the beauty of young, bright-green leaves might stand out even more, appearing even more striking. We often perceive beauty through relative comparisons, and our appreciation for ephemeral and rare things tends to be heightened. Examples include the shining stars in the dark night sky and dreams that are difficult to realize.

The Lasting Impact of Dedication

  Yesterday, after finishing some errands in the area, I stopped by my previous workplace for a short visit. My former colleagues and my successor shared that the business I had meticulously prepared for its launch is now starting to take off. They mentioned that they are able to create new materials using the numerous resources I had developed back then. Their words of gratitude were abundant, expressing how extremely helpful my work had been. Hearing firsthand how something I had poured my heart and soul into was now flourishing and benefiting others filled me with immense joy. It has been almost two years since I left that job, but this experience reminded me that my efforts were indeed worthwhile. The work you are currently dedicating yourself to might soon blossom and bear fruit, or it might happen long after you’ve moved on. Therefore, always maintain a long-term perspective and keep putting in the effort, as your dedication will eventually be rewarded.

Time's Flow and Our Conscious Experience

  Physically, the flow of time may be an illusion, but since we feel time passing moment by moment, we have no choice but to live in the direction in which time moves. It is natural, therefore, that our eyes and mouth face forward. When we consider the time axis of past, present, and future, we can revisit the past as many times as we like in our minds. Similarly, we can think about the future as much as we wish. However, the present moment is fleeting. When we are fully engaged and absorbed in something, our consciousness exists in the present moment, a series of moments, and the sense of fulfillment we experience arises only from that moment. Conversely, when we are anxious, our consciousness oscillates between the past and the future, seldom lingering in the present moment. The only way to eliminate or reduce anxiety is to concentrate on identifying the cause and solution within the current moment sequence, then resolve it in the subsequent present moments. When viewed this way, we

Embracing Change: A Reflection on Flowers, Perspective, and Environment

  I'm embarrassed to admit that for the first time since retiring, I've become keenly aware of the vast array of flower types. About a year ago, I began sharing photos of flowers I casually captured each day on X. I've developed a habit of instinctively approaching and photographing flowers with my smartphone whenever I encounter them outdoors. While it feels somewhat personal to mention, this experience has underscored for me how people's perspectives, interests, and behaviors can change as their circumstances change. Conversely, if you desire to alter your thinking and behavior, one effective method is to change your environment or circumstances, for better or for worse. In Japan, there's a saying that suggests one's position and environment shape a person, and my experience aligns with this sentiment.

The Dual Pathways of Growth: Embracing Success and Failure

  Through successful experiences, people hone their confidence, intuition, and skills, gain peace of mind, and become more willing to take on challenges. Conversely, experiencing failure teaches us valuable lessons, enhances our understanding of the truth and meaning of things, improves our ability to empathize with others, and sharpens our sense of danger to avoid repeating mistakes. Both success and failure are thus crucial for personal growth. As the saying goes, "Failure is the key to success." By persisting until we succeed, failure becomes a stepping stone toward success. Fear of failure may prevent us from taking on challenges, but it also limits our potential for great success and personal growth, leading to missed opportunities.

The Power of Introspection: Connecting Through Individuality

  The more we confront our inner selves and contemplate the true nature of things, the more we can uncover answers that are uniquely ours. Initially, these answers may seem simple, yet they possess the power to resonate deeply with others. Throughout history, individuals have sought such well-considered answers, and thus, introspection and the pursuit of truth serve to connect us with those around us. In this light, one could argue that our individuality, when explored deeply, enriches our relationships with others. I would like to further explore this topic.