
Stress Reduction and Productivity Enhancement

Regarding the advantages of cleaning, it's often highlighted that it alleviates stress, enhances focus on tasks, promotes cleaner air in the room—beneficial for health—reduces time spent searching for things, and curbs unnecessary shopping. Specifically addressing stress, the repetitive motions involved in cleaning trigger the release of serotonin, the "happy hormone," which helps in stress reduction. Furthermore, the post-cleaning sense of refreshment stems from the production of dopamine in the brain, hindering stress accumulation. Despite our awareness of these benefits, the act of cleaning can still pose challenges. To address this, instead of attempting to clean the entire house in one go, a more effective approach could be focusing on a specific area. By setting smaller cleaning goals and concentrating efforts on one zone, a sense of achievement can be gained. This accomplishment can then serve as motivation to proceed to the next area, gradually creating a habit. T

Cultivating Change Through Habit

Trying new things in daily life can be quite troublesome. This is because, unless it's urgent, it feels like a hassle. To make this "troublesome" aspect less of a chore, consider imagining doing it, then set a small goal and start working on it. Once initiated, familiarity grows, and the mental barrier of "it's a pain" decreases for future attempts. If it's worthwhile, it's best to develop it into a habit as much as possible, suppressing the idea that it's bothersome, and performing it automatically. Similarly, we easily fall into habits of negative thinking based on the ego, which then manifest in our actions. In such cases, applying self-suggestions through self-talk or mantras helps suppress the consciousness of "I" and execute positive actions unconsciously. By forming habits in our thoughts and actions, allowing good deeds to become automatic, we enhance life's fulfillment.

Lessons from Past Regrets

When we imagine ourselves in ten years, we see how young we are now. If we don't make the most of today, we might regret it later. But it's not helpful to keep thinking about who we were ten years ago and feeling sorry about it. If we regret something, it's okay as long as we learn from it and use that experience in the future. That way, when we think back to ourselves ten years ago, we'll feel good knowing we tried our best then. Even if we have regrets, if we believe we did our best, we won't feel as bad and can focus on enjoying today. This shows us how important it is to live in the moment, whether we're thinking about the present from the future or looking back on the past from now.

Everyday Adventures and Lifelong Fulfillment

Adventure isn't solely about monumental achievements. It encompasses individual experiences that involve tackling new challenges. Consider a baby's first attempts at waddling or taking a few unsteady steps—they represent adventures in their own right. Similarly, trying a disliked meal or delving into a new field of study, or working at a new job constitutes an adventure. Engaging in such undertakings allows people to broaden their horizons, expand their list of activities, bolster self-assurance, nurture relationships, and lead more fulfilling lives. As we age, there's a tendency to shy away from new experiences, yet embracing even minor challenges enables us to retain a youthful mentality.

Rediscovery Through Altered Perspectives

During my carefree daily walks, I often observe that the landscape along the same path appears distinct, offering a renewed sense of freshness and leading to new, small discoveries when I retrace my steps. This phenomenon stems from a simple reason: the varying perspectives obtained from different angles. The line of sight during the outbound walking versus the return walking differs by 180 degrees. Similarly, venturing abroad and encountering diverse cultures, values, societies, lifestyles, climates, and topographies can alter how we perceive our own country. It widens our perspective and enhances our capacity for critical thinking.

The Role of Exploration in Innovation

Without ceaseless exploration, whether in the realms of the unseen or the visible yet unnoticed by humans, new discoveries and inventions crucial to expanding our activities within the confines of this three-dimensional physical world would remain unattainable. This journey of imaginative exploration starts within ourselves, gradually manifesting an image of a new discovery or invention until it becomes distinctly visible and then translates into external reality. Those at the forefront of this expedition may perceive it while others may not, yet the latter can later benefit from its outcomes. Consequently, it's evident that the role of pioneers or visionary leaders with good will and faith holds immense significance, particularly in today's tumultuous world where glimpsing the future is a difficult task.

Embracing Failure

Failure offers invaluable lessons that success often cannot provide. Yet, individuals who neglect to gather wisdom from their failures risk continuing them, burdened by the weight of past mistakes. Failure uniquely unveils the vulnerabilities and resilience inherent in the human spirit. Paradoxically, embracing failure as a profound teacher might lead to discovering paths to happiness. Undoubtedly, success frequently emerges from the ashes of failure.