
The Power of Play: Enhancing Work and Life Through Playfulness

  Incorporating elements of play into our work can make it much more enjoyable. The type of playfulness I'm referring to feels exciting, like a game, and often leads to the creation of new value and breakthrough problem-solving methods. For instance, I once had the opportunity to launch an in-house venture at my workplace. Although the responsibility was significant and the pressure intense, my longstanding interest in ventures fueled a sense of excitement that outweighed the stress. Despite the challenge of forging a new path, the experience was immensely rewarding. Possessing the talent and ability to find playful enjoyment in any task is an invaluable skill for leading a fulfilling life. When we adopt an observational perspective that highlights the fun, intriguing ideas such as “What would happen if I did this?” or “What would happen if I combined this and that?” naturally emerge. By experimenting with these ideas, we can see direct results, akin to a game that children enjoy.

The Authenticity of Thought: Navigating Empathy and Self-Expression

  It's easy to come up with an idea and clearly express my feelings and thoughts from the depths of my heart. However, even if I listen to someone else's ideas and believe I fully empathize with and understand them, when I try to use those ideas as a reference to write down my own thoughts, it often becomes difficult to generate new ideas. This suggests that the thoughts I seem to empathize with are not truly my own. An honest heart can see through the mind's attempts to improve appearances with techniques. While we can fool our brains with autosuggestion, we cannot deceive our hearts and conscience.

The Value of Trial and Error in an AI-Driven World

  When a task is difficult, we attempt it many times, gradually getting closer to our goals despite repeated failures. This process of trial and error requires a lot of effort. However, once the goal is achieved, this journey becomes significant and valuable as a successful experience. If we rely too heavily on AI for this trial-and-error process, the act of deep thinking may become extremely tedious. This excessive dependence on AI could potentially be more harmful than the lack of physical exercise resulting from overreliance on cars.

Applying Business Principles to Personal Life for Effective Returns

  How a company allocates and invests its limited management resources and time in addressing short-term, medium-term, and long-term issues to obtain effective returns through daily corporate activities mirrors the challenges in our individual lives. This management principle is equally applicable to everyday life. In essence, each of us is our own owner and manager. Consider what kind of returns you wish to achieve within the various constraints of your personal life. What life resources and time should you invest to realize those returns? Just as in business, strategies, plans, and operational processes are essential. To be satisfied with the returns from implementing these principles, we must all strive to be good owner-managers of ourselves as well as loyal and effective employees of our own lives. By comparing the way we live as individuals to the management of a business, our perspective broadens, allowing us to better navigate and balance our personal and professional endeavors.

Embracing Challenges: The Path to a Fulfilled Life

  When we confront problems directly, without running away or procrastinating, we can prevent them from becoming bigger or more complicated. This proactive approach makes problem-solving easier. To develop the mindset of facing challenges head-on, it is crucial to be ready to take full responsibility for resolving them ourselves. People often have a tendency to avoid problems, especially in their post-retirement lives, where the desire to enjoy a stress-free existence can be strong. This reluctance to face issues can hold them back. However, as long as we are alive, we will inevitably encounter various problems and learn from them. If we recognize the inherent value in facing problems, we can approach them with greater readiness. While this is easier said than done, practicing this mindset can lead to a more fulfilling and easier life.

Embracing Aging: Reflections on Time and Opportunity

  Everyone grows old someday, even if they don't like it. While I have not yet been acutely aware of the aging process, I know there will come a time when I will experience it firsthand. I recall an encounter from 7 or 8 years ago that profoundly impacted me. I met a couple who had moved to a rural town and started a blueberry farm after the husband retired. What this man told me left a deep impression, and I often reflect on his words. He shared his story: "When I was in my 60s, I believed my physical strength and mental abilities would not decline significantly and that I could maintain them for a long time. However, since turning 70, my physical strength and mental acuity have suddenly diminished. I'm uncertain how much longer I can continue working as a blueberry farmer." I am sure that when I reach 70, I will have a similar awareness of my own aging and feel old. However, like that man, I believe that despite the various limitations aging brings, I will live my l

A Daily Practice for Limitless Thinking

  When our ability to think creatively and freely increases, we often break through the barriers of unconscious limitations, opening up more options and making it easier to solve problems and achieve our goals. To enhance our creativity, it is essential to practice generating ideas continuously on a daily basis. As a practical exercise, I recommend developing the habit of setting aside time each day with a piece of paper and a pencil. Choose a subject of your own and brainstorm alone. If you commit to this practice for a few years, you will undoubtedly see a significant difference.