
An Extended Series of Consolation Matches

Life can be likened to an extended series of consolation matches, known as "Haisha hukkatu sen" in Japanese, each event unfolding along the journey. It's an inherent truth that nobody can maintain a continuous victory throughout the entirety of life's game. Generally, the act of winning or losing these matches doesn't carry profound significance within life. What truly matters is gleaning valuable lessons from wholehearted participation in each necessary match, adopting the role of an eternal life challenger. These lessons then serve as valuable measures to be applied to subsequent situations. Through this continuous process, we can lead a life without regrets, embracing every opportunity to the fullest. The modest existence of human beings is, undoubtedly, quite endearing.

Finding Refreshment in the Unfamiliar

Taking a walk has become a daily routine for me, but I intentionally avoid walking the same route twice in a row. This way, I prevent myself from falling into a monotonous routine and, at the same time, discover something new each time I set out. On hot summer days, especially when the temperature reaches around 33 degrees Celsius, I find myself getting easily worn out. To combat this, I prefer choosing a walking path that is lined with trees, providing a pleasant shade from the scorching sunlight. Only after retiring have I come to realize the true kind of a tree-shaded walkway for walkers. This realization serves as an example of how a change in one's life circumstances can unconsciously alter the objects of profound appreciation.

Turning Adversity into Opportunity

While in the midst of struggling to move forward towards our set goals, we may frequently feel that the distance between the goal point and where we are now can hardly be decreased at all. In fact, moments of adversity like this are the present golden opportunities for personal growth in terms of self-control and capability. If we take a step back and view ourselves from a higher level of consciousness, we can undoubtedly recognize the worth of such opportunities. This realization will undoubtedly arouse our motivation to diligently keep moving forward. We ourselves can become our own reliable cheerleaders in the game of life.

Mottainai: Embracing the Japanese Concept of Regret and Modesty

A frequently-used Japanese adjective phrase, “Mottainai,” has basically two meanings. The first meaning is an expression of regret for when things that are still functioning and useful are lost or discarded. It is similar to saying, "What a waste!" There are various situations in which we, as Japanese, frequently feel this sentiment even without explicitly putting it into words. This feeling may arise because we have been metaphorically taught that life or divine spirit resides in everything. The second meaning of "Mottainai" is akin to saying, "That's waste on me." In Japan, modesty is considered a virtue. For example, when we receive a gift from someone who outranks us socially, we say "Mottainai" to express that we feel the honor bestowed upon us is more than we deserve. As for myself, I strive to take good care of things to avoid saying "Mottainai" as much as I can.

Unleashing the Power of the Unconscious Mind for Success

Unless a determination to take on a challenging task is coupled with deep emotions such as desire, fear, or anxiety, it may not be strong enough to break an individual's long-cherished patterns of habitual thinking and behavior for achieving success. Consequently, to effect changes in these patterns without such a critical determination, the practical and effective application of the power of the unconscious mind becomes essential. In simple terms, integrating the necessary actions that form the core elements of conquering a challenging goal into our daily routines is highly beneficial. By doing so, the magic of a routine can lead us relatively effortlessly to positive outcomes.

How Immersion in Activities Unlocks Fulfillment

When we become engrossed in an activity, the passage of time often escapes our awareness, allowing us to experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Conversely, when we constantly fixate on the passage of time while engaged in an activity, we naturally become distracted and feel unsettled. This suggests that consciously blocking the perception of time can lead to psychological fulfillment. In this sense, the more we dedicate ourselves to any activities, even the routine ones, the more we can cultivate a happier life.

Perseverance in the Pursuit of Post-Retirement Dreams

After launching a personal post-retirement life project in the past two months, I have felt as if I were a small boat sailing into the vast ocean, struggling to navigate towards a distant destination. The initial stormy waves I am currently facing are significant enough to discourage me from continuing my journey. However, if I give up, that would mark the end of this challenging game. Therefore, I must motivate myself and persevere through the process of trial and error. In fact, I have come to appreciate that overcoming various difficulties while striving towards my goal is what makes life truly worth living. Nevertheless, I have once again realized that it is much easier said than done.