
Showing posts from November, 2023

The Art of Transformative Design in Life and Manufacturing

"People aren't interesting unless they have something a little careless. Likewise, in manufacturing, design is what compensates for and enhances the flaws and shortcomings of products to the point of charm and beauty." This is a quote from a famous Japanese founder of an automobile company. In other words, this means finding ways to transform our flaws and shortcomings into unique characteristics that make them more appealing by altering our perspective. Once we succeed in doing so, we gain a significant advantage in the form of a distinctive trait.

Japan's Historical Isolation to Modern Diplomacy Challenges

Throughout its extensive history, Japan had remained largely isolated from interactions with other countries, except for select elite exchanges, until the mid-18th century, primarily due to its geographic isolation surrounded by the ocean. During this period, Japan's unique values and culture, which are still evident today, were nurtured, and a unified national character was formed. The Japanese language and culture are often described as "high context," implying that communication relies heavily on unspoken backgrounds and contexts. This influence has contributed to the general perception that Japan may not excel in diplomacy with foreign countries. Despite many cultural differences, most Japanese tend to assume that foreigners think and make decisions in the same way as Japanese people, largely due to limited historical exposure to foreign cultures. To enhance diplomatic capabilities, it is crucial to prioritize the improvement of both the quality and quantity of inform...

Unveiling the Essence of Life Lessons for Retirees and Future Generations

For retirees, there are numerous invaluable lessons gleaned from a lifetime of experience, yet their actual number remains rather limited. If we attempt to succinctly capture these life lessons as concrete personal evidence, we'd discover that they aren't as numerous as one might think. To take an extreme perspective, it's conceivable that we could distill the entire essence of life lessons into a single sentence for the benefit of future generations. In this sense, it can be argued that the crux of the matter lies in the fact that our actions may carry more significance than the words we leave behind. While the documentation of individual lessons is undoubtedly important, a single comprehensive book could suffice to preserve their fundamental values. Furthermore, within a span of two to three years, it might be adequate to revisit and distill these lessons into a single book, serving as a valuable resource for all.

Finding Harmony in Chaos

There are several times in our lives when we are faced with considerably chaotic and tough situations, which we have either unconsciously brought upon ourselves or encountered suddenly through fate. Such chaotic situations can offer great opportunities for us to realize and learn something valuable or necessary in life. When we successfully overcome these challenges, our confidence in ourselves grows as individuals. The following words have helped me overcome past chaos: "Trials are only given to those who can overcome them." "Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." "Although we cannot change our fates, we can change our destinies depending on our efforts."

Balancing the Scales

Whether it's active or passive actions, due to the influx of constantly updated and stimulating information through various media, we instinctively tend to spend too much of our daily time paying attention to the world outside ourselves, which strongly influences our thoughts and actions. This trend in modern society may have gone too far, causing an imbalance in our minds and bodies. Therefore, it would be better to consciously allocate more of our time to focus our attention on our internal selves, engage in a dialogue with our inner voice, nurture our spirits, and take care of our bodies in order to maintain a healthy mind and body.

The Trust Factor

When receiving advice from someone or giving advice to someone, having a pre-existing or concurrently developing relationship of trust can significantly enhance the effectiveness of that advice. When someone we deeply admire and trust offers advice, whether directly or indirectly, we tend to listen attentively and strive to comprehend its full meaning. However, in situations where the relationship is strained, even if the advice is accurate and valuable, we may not be inclined to give it proper consideration and could simply dismiss it. Thus, the impact of advice can be substantially bolstered by the interpersonal dynamics between the giver and recipient. The same principle applies when offering advice.  

Navigating the Positive and Negative Impacts of Technological Advancements

In human history, every story has two sides, the positive and the negative. For example, the invention of the printing press greatly facilitated the dissemination of knowledge and expertise, and the invention of the motor vehicle dramatically transformed human mobility. However, the former also led to a decline in human memory function, and the latter contributed to a sedentary lifestyle and physical fitness issues. Similarly, the Internet and AI provide us with a wealth of information that we often rely on, but it can also diminish our ability to rely on our own insights and intuition, which our ancestors cultivated through their interactions with nature over the course of human history. Even today, by simply taking a walk and engaging in a conscious dialogue with trees and plants, we can restore our innate insight and intuition. This, in turn, can enhance our imaginative abilities and provide emotional healing. It may be hard to believe, but why not give it a try?

The Unseen Price of Neglect

We tend to underestimate the value of intangible aspects of life, as they often go unnoticed in our daily routines. However, it's only when an unexpected crisis strikes and causes irreparable damage to these intangible elements that we realize their immense importance. Whether it's peace, moral, the environment, or human relationships, these intangible aspects, when destroyed, intentionally or unintentionally, beyond a certain threshold where recovery is impossible, result in a cost that is too high to bear. To avoid such a dire scenario, it is imperative to remain vigilant and attuned to the signals of unfavorable changes in these intangible aspects that hold great value for us.

Fleeting Memories of Pain

The Japanese proverb "Once through the throat, the heat of boiling liquid is gone" is paraphrased as "When pain is gone, it's soon forgotten." This implies that no matter how much hardship we experience, once it passes, we tend to forget about it easily. Therefore, even though we often reminisce about past tough experiences, the memory of these experiences tends to fade, making it difficult to recall the details unless it's an exceptionally traumatic event. This phenomenon may be influenced by the fact that the human brain has a mechanism that helps us forget past pain. In other words, if we offer advice to individuals going through similar painful experiences, it might be effective to show them a memo or diary that was contemporaneously written about a past event, describing it in detail from beginning to end. By the way, this Japanese proverb also carries another meaning as a warning about how people tend to forget the kindness and benefactors who helped t...

The Enduring Spirit and Wisdom of Age

Around 20 years ago, as part of my job, I had the opportunity to interview a mentor who was over 80 years old, yet possessed a sharp mind. This mentor had also worked for the same organization where I was employed. During the interview, in addition to discussing the main topic, he kindly shared insights on various subjects. Concerning the relationship between human ability and age, he remarked, " Although human physical strength and intellect reach their peak at a certain age, respectively, and then begin to decline, one's spirit will continue to grow if efforts are made to refine it. " Recently, I've been reflecting on these words and have also reaffirmed my commitment to leaving behind something valuable for younger generations. I am also determined to make continuous efforts to cultivate my spirit, aspiring to become a cheerful and sincere old individual, much like my esteemed mentor.

Positivity and Problem-Solving

Generally, people are more inclined to listen to positive discussions that suggest a bright future for them rather than negative discussions that imply a bleak future with no hope for improvement. This preference is rooted in the fact that negative conversations can leave us feeling uneasy and anxious, which may continue to affect our subconscious minds for a considerable amount of time. As a result, when confronted with such negative talk, people often find themselves saying, "So what?" This phrase is indicative of their expectation to hear potential solutions or turnaround strategies for the existing problems. Conversely, when engaging in discussions about challenges and difficulties, it is wise and proactive to also address the path toward problem-solving at the conclusion of the conversation.

The Value of Lifelong Learning

It is often observed that some people in the workplace do not exhibit enthusiasm when it comes to using their spare time at home for studying practical subjects aimed at personal development and expertise enhancement. While their intentions may be good, the truth is that they unintentionally miss out on opportunities for self-improvement through learning. Some may believe that studying is primarily for students and not working adults. However, most people spend around 40 years in the workforce before retirement. The difference in work performance between those who diligently pursue learning and apply their knowledge in the workplace during this period and those who do not is substantial. Furthermore, this difference in attitude can significantly impact their post-retirement life. Our lives undergo significant changes based on our outlook and mindset.

Overcoming Negative Thoughts in the Midst of Free Time

"If you have nothing to do with your time, you are more likely to fall into the trap of negative thoughts. Therefore, it's better to keep yourself busy with work and play." This advice is directed at individuals who find themselves bored due to having too much free time. I've frequently heard that many Japanese individuals, even when relieved from heavy work stress, suffer from a sense of emptiness and anxiety about both their immediate and long-term future. This is partly influenced by the anxiety-fueling narratives perpetuated by commercialized media. Such a state, akin to post-retirement syndrome, undeniably corresponds to the tendency to dwell on negative thoughts. Thus, bearing in mind the advice mentioned above and focusing on the positive aspects of having the freedom of time on one's hands can be highly practical.

Navigating Intellectual Growth Through Thoughtful Reflection

With each gray hair, some people, like me, are prone to thinking or saying something plausible when considering various issues by drawing on their past knowledge and experiences. However, such thoughts and statements are not always relevant to the issues at hand due to potential misunderstandings or incorrect assumptions. There is a chance that hastily voicing or thinking about plausible results without any confirmed proof may indicate a stagnation in intellectual growth. To avoid falling into the trap of relying solely on accumulated knowledge and experiences, it would be wise to take the time to assess issues with an unclouded and calm mind, refraining from jumping to conclusions.

The Significance of Inner Self-Dialogue for Personal Growth

It would be necessary to emphasize more on the significance of self-reflection, particularly in this unstable world. Every morning, I gaze into a mirror, primarily to check if I've shaved properly and to assess my external appearance. It's worth noting that I rarely engage in introspective conversations while looking at myself in the mirror, and aside from shaving, I seldom use a mirror. However, having a dialogue with the inner self, reflected in the mirror of our hearts, holds immense importance for personal growth as human beings. For instance, when we write about our thoughts, feelings, inspirations, and other internal musings, we engage in a silent conversation with our inner selves and externalize them. This process aids us in reevaluating our own thoughts and feelings, helping us to bring order to the kind of chaos within. When we apply the lessons learned from these reflections to our subsequent actions, we can genuinely enhance and develop ourselves.

The Gratitude-Happiness Connection

The relationship between gratitude and happiness is not a chicken-or-egg situation. Simply attempting to count one's blessings or find happiness may not necessarily lead to genuine happiness. Conversely, cultivating a habit of expressing gratitude for everything in our surroundings allows us to genuinely feel gratitude from the depths of our hearts. This realization helps us see that we are surrounded by wonderful gifts, leading to continuous happiness. It is very rational and meaningful that making it such a habit is included in discipline at home. As I am still maturing in this regard, I recognize the need for further self-improvement in order to reach that state of heart.

The Crucible of Growth, Gratitude, and Global Perspective

Living or studying in a foreign country is generally not an easy experience, as we frequently encounter confusion and anxiety in daily life due to different languages, cultures, customs, various systems, and more, until we become accustomed to them. However, it is also a fact that this experience provides us with golden opportunities to learn many new things and reconsider ourselves and our own country from an external perspective, something we might never have thought of before. This, in turn, contributes to our personal growth as individuals. Additionally, we feel and will never forget the sense of gratitude towards those who help us when we are truly in trouble. Consequently, we also develop a desire to repay the kindness to those individuals and others who find themselves in difficult situations. These positive effects of living or studying abroad undoubtedly hold significant value for the remainder of our lives.

The Imperative of Authenticity Verification in a World of Misinformation

It's been a few decades since we entered the era where individuals can freely transmit information via the Internet. Consequently, a mix of true and false information has rapidly spread worldwide. We've grown accustomed to encountering misinformation, disinformation, and speculation daily, yet many of us still often fall for these falsehoods. What makes matters worse is that people are significantly influenced by this false information. Naturally, it becomes increasingly important for us to enhance our ability to verify authenticity as a form of self-defense. This can be achieved by, at the very least, comparing different sources of information, confirming the reliability of these sources, and researching the primary source of information.

Overcoming Hurdles and Finding Joy in the Process

When taking on a new challenge, the initial higher hurdles often hinder one's progress, which results in feeling stuck. However, after successfully overcoming the initial hurdles at long last, if things work out well and become enjoyable to some extent, as the saying goes, "When pain is gone, it's soon forgotten," we are prone to forget what we have struggled with. After that, when facing the second set of higher hurdles, we repeat the process of moving forward to the next phase by feeling our way through. Then, after overcoming these hurdles, the same saying could be applied. This series of conquering hurdles washing over us like a wave becomes the path to mastering life.

A Universal Path to Truth and Achievement in the World of High Mountain Climbing

A Japanese saying, "Those who excel at one art can excel at other arts," can be paraphrased as, "Those who have mastered the secrets of one art have acquired principles that are applicable to other fields." These principles pave the way to a universal path towards truth or the summit, transcending mere technique. This concept appears to resonate with high mountain climbing, a pursuit that has captured the dreams of many Japanese people at some point.  

Evaluating the Quality and Value of Information in a Globalized Society

Under the circumstances where information is noticed by people faster than anyone else, leading to a higher evaluation and improving market value, the prevalence of misinformation, disinformation, and speculation mixed in with accurate information is widespread around the world. Just as a human body converts information into weak electrical signals and transmits them through the nervous system to the brain for processing, today's deeply interconnected international societies rely on information from various media to govern their activities. Therefore, if the unfavorable situation regarding information persists as it does today, international communities may eventually make significant incorrect choices. Consequently, it would be prudent to thoroughly reevaluate the quality and value of information among global communities and make concerted efforts to firmly instill them in both written and unwritten forms worldwide.

Coexistence, Equitable Living, and the Transition to Settled Life in Ancient Japan

Regarding the Jomon period (14,000 B.C. – 300 B.C.) in Japan, the prevailing perspective suggests that the ancient Japanese people transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled one, forming small villages. During this time, they made concerted efforts to avoid conflicts or wars. Remarkably, archaeologists have not found almost any distinctive evidence (e.g., weapons, remains destroyed in battle, walled settlements) in over 90,000 Jomon-period archaeological sites throughout Japan. It is widely believed that the ancient Jomon people, who encompassed diverse roles as hunter-gatherers and early agriculturalists, upheld a fundamental principle of coexistence with nature. They practiced the equitable distribution of resources and harvests among village members, with little to no differentiation in social status or class. This approach starkly contrasts with the values of contemporary society, which often places an overwhelming emphasis on economic efficiency and individualism.

Creating Opportunities and Fostering Growth

Various issues in this unstable world have once again made me realize the true significance of human resource development for developing nations, particularly in their industrial sector. This has the potential to create a virtuous socio-economic cycle primarily by generating a vast number of job opportunities. It is a well-known fact that a high unemployment rate is a crucial factor that causes social anxiety. As the universal proverb goes, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." This proverb precisely portrays the positive effects of human resource development as a means of livelihood for a nation. The role of human resource development offers not only opportunities for learning new knowledge and acquiring skills but also personal growth, guiding individuals towards the right path. I would like to convey this recognition to all the friends currently involved in human resource development and education.  

Yugen Jikkou: The Power of Walking the Talk in Achieving Goals

The Japanese idiom "Yugen jikkou" can be translated into English as "Acting on one's words" or "Walking the talk." This idiom was actually created through a play on the original idiom "Fugen jikkou," which is deeply rooted in ancient culture and translates as "Acting before speaking or without complaining." However, in contemporary times, the former has become more popular than the latter. This preference could be attributed to the advantageous aspect of openly declaring one's commitment to achieving a goal in front of others, as it can serve as a powerful motivator, driving individuals to overcome obstacles and ultimately increasing the likelihood of goal attainment. The clear and straightforward expression of the former idiom might be influenced by Western culture.

Meeting Expectations on Life's Stage

A Japanese actor once shared, "The primary reason why I have been able to continue my career as an actor for nearly 50 years may be because I have consistently responded to my fans' expectations." Upon reflecting on these words, I realized that this actor has portrayed various roles in television, film, and theater, all with the intention of entertaining people while striving to meet their expectations. This commitment has served as a motivation for him to sustain his career as an actor. It became apparent that if he had prioritized his own desires over his audience's expectations, he would not have enjoyed such a long and successful career. This lesson can be applicable to all of us who are navigating the stage of life.

Lessons from a High School Race Strategy

In retrospect, during a long-distance running race in my high school physical education class, I used to adopt a specific strategy. I positioned myself as a front-runner, adhering to my personal rule of thumb. My essential tactic involved gaining a head start and swiftly taking the lead at the outset. To maintain a steady breathing rhythm, I took two breaths in and exhaled twice. Once I secured my position at the front of the pack, I paid little attention to the runners behind me. Instead, I ran comfortably with light steps, all the while keeping my focus on a predetermined target located around 400 meters ahead. After reaching one target point, I promptly set my sights on the next one, also located around 400 meters away. I repeated this process until I reached the final goal. This racing method offered several advantages. It enabled me to maintain my pace without worrying about competing with other runners. Additionally, it allowed me to build self-confidence as I successfully achiev...

Harnessing the Power of Connectivity

The emergence of social media has significantly expanded the flow of information and the density of communication. It has made it much easier to connect with people who share similar interests, regardless of their physical locations, almost instantly. As social media users, we often take these technological benefits for granted, almost as if social media has been a part of our lives for a long time. It is essential to remember that, as the saying goes, "Science can be harmful if we misuse it," the same principle applies to social media. However, it is also a fact that we can use social media for various positive purposes. For instance, through social media, we can create platforms or markets for exchanging invaluable wisdom based on personal experiences. This can provide excellent learning opportunities and serve as a source of encouragement for one another. I hope that we continue to explore the potential for positive use of social media through human wisdom and effort. Desp...

How Memory Shapes Morning Inspirations

During my morning walk, it often happens spontaneously that a new essay's subject and the contents to be written down pop into my mind. I have no choice but to rely on my short-term memory to remember them. As you might guess, there are times when I forget the subject by the time I arrive back home. However, on those fortunate occasions when I do recall the subject, a rough outline quickly forms in my mind. This may be because the content has become deeply associated with the subject as I construct its structure through effort, and this information is stored in my working memory. The reverse situation, where I recall the content first and then the subject comes up, rarely occurs. When I used to work in an office, I found it very stressful to depend on my unreliable short-term memory. Therefore, I would either immediately begin or complete a task that needed to be done, or I would take notes. Today, I completely forgot what I initially intended to write about, which led me to compos...

The 3M Principle in Pursuit of Goals

In the pursuit of achieving certain goals, the persistent presence of excessive burdens often emerges as a significant obstacle, echoing the wisdom of the Japanese idiom "Muri wa kin motsu," which translates to "No matter what, don't overdo it" in English. Within the realm of Kaizen, a philosophy of continuous improvement often employed in manufacturing, there exists a fundamental principle known as the 3M principle, which aims to enhance productivity. This principle encompasses three essential elements, denoted by the initials M: Muda (wastefulness), Mura (unevenness or deviation), and Muri (overburden or overdoing). To attain our objectives efficiently and effectively, it is imperative that we refrain from embracing Muri. Instead, we must focus on optimizing our utilization of time, while concurrently minimizing the extent of Muda and Mura. This approach, when integrated with one's priorities, proves applicable not only in the context of work but also in a...

The Philosophy of “Ryoyaku wa kuchi ni nigashi”

"Ryoyaku wa kuchi ni nigashi," a popular Japanese saying originating from Confucius' teachings, is literally translated as "A good medicine for illness tastes bitter to the mouth." This phrase serves as a semantic example illustrating that sincere admonitions and advice can often be challenging to accept, even though they are highly beneficial. When we encounter someone delivering unpleasant words directed at us, it is natural to feel offended. In certain situations, this offense can escalate into strong upset emotions. However, it is advisable to pause and consider whether these unpleasant words are akin to a good medicine or merely a form of unreasonable criticism. If the words resemble a good medicine, it is in our best interest to swallow them immediately. We should reflect on how they can contribute to our personal improvement and engage in positive self-suggestion, treating them as a stroke of good luck while striving to remain free from any lingering feel...